Holy salad

From the Navigator’s Kitchen

19.03.2018, Mola

There are few things that sailors love in life as much as sailing – food has to be one of them. It’s not always easy to come up with fresh, tasty meals during your cruise, so to give us all inspiration for delicious meals on board, Mola Mola has teamed up with a very dear friend who is the one person that can advise better than any other.

Check in here regularly to get your latest ideas.

"Oh, we’ll drink once more when the wind’s off shore,"
We’ll drink from the good old jar,
And then to port,
For the time grows short.
Come lad—to the days that are!

Marianne Moore, 1887 – 1972

If you are reading this, the sea is where you make your home, or dream of doing so. But while we are all drawn to those salt airs, the challenges found within the galley below can be daunting, even if you are a foodie.

Here are a few tips and suggestions for entertaining on board, including a hearty first-watch breakfast, seafood feasts, and elegant sun-downer canapés.

We wish you fair winds and following seas...

As a treat to our readers, our dear friend Berna Donmezer O’Donovan; former naval officer, all time sailor, trained chef, Italian Culinary Institute Graduate, International PR Director of AREGALA, Food Columnist and International Culinary Chef Competitor, will be sharing her favourite on-board easy to make Mediterranean dishes

Growing up on the Mediterranean coast of Anatolia, Berna’s everyday life revolved around food and the ancient hubs of olive oil, wine and ceramics.

Her fork to plate journey started with organic farming, tending an olive grove and producing olive oil and wine on a small scale. These days she splits her time between Yukon, Canada and Assos, Turkey and teaches Mediterranean Cuisine straight from the heart.

Modern times kitchen salad can be a couple of micro greens as a side on a fancy Michelin starred plate or can be a rich, colourful bowl of seasonal greens topped with cheese or meat served as the complete dinner. Little effort for dressing and topping and you can have a fancy meal in one bowl. It is up to your source and creativity to create a charming one.

What can go in your salad bowl:

It must be a healthy one, soft, sturdy, peppery; lettuce, kale, aragula, baby spinach, dandelion, endives, you name it, local and seasonal is the best, if you manage to find good quality, farm fresh greens and store them right, you can keep them long enough to serve your needs even in your little boat cooler. After you clean your greens you make sure you keep them in your cooler or fridge wrapped in a damp towel or paper towel and sealed in a zip lock bag.

You add color, texture and taste while adding fruits and vegetables. It can be some crunchy cucumbers or carrots, nice, juicy tomatoes, elegant mushrooms, cooked or raw, love grilled vegetables, may come in a jar, like grilled and preserved red peppers since it is not practical grilling your own vegetable on board, some juicy apples and pears, oranges for some acidity, even dried fruits which is easier to store in your boat. Nuts and seeds are a great addition as well, it is beyond the texture and the taste when you consider the nutritional facts. Almonds, walnuts, sun flower seeds are also easy to store in your boat. You can consider adding starch like grains, potatoes even pasta but those require cooking ahead and I don’t find it practical on a boat.

You can add cheese, boiled eggs, cured/canned meat, including fish, even grilled meat on your salad to turn salad from being a side into the full course. Thinking about proteins you should also consider the legumes, it is easy to store, dried or canned; lentils, beans, chickpeas, lots of options on the shelves in an average supermarket.

Basically add some acidity and brightness to magnify and expose the taste you put together. Your dressing can be tangy or sweet, it is up to you; the idea is to add richness to your food. Good quality olive oil is my must for a good salad. Of course nut oils work if you prefer the nutty taste. Or grape seed oil, avocado oil is always welcome for the exotic and healthy eating seekers. Salt and acid; lime/lemon juice or vinegar goes next. My secret is a little jar, just shake well to complete emulsification and create an even dressing. There is also no limit for the dressing, can add little mustard, little garlic, herbs and spices, fresh or dry. Just taste your mixture and decide how you like the acidity and saltiness.


Caprese Salad, Insalata Caprese means "Salad of Capri", from the island Capri off the Sorrentine Peninsula, south of the Gulf of Naples in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Capri is part of Campania Region, known for flavorful San Marzano Tomatoes grown on the rich volcanic soils of the slopes of Mt. Vesuvius and the fresh mozzarella made of buffalo milk especially in the provinces of Caserta and Salerno.

Caprese salad is a super easy Italian salad made of sliced fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, a couple of fresh basil leaves seasoned with salt, olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing.

Caprese pairs well with Falanghina also called Falaghina Greco, one of the ancient white grape varieties from the same region with soft, mineral, citrus blossom aromas.

Holy salad
Holy salad
Holy salad
Holy salad

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